Saturday, March 1, 2014

Silicone bakeware

When the bug bit, when I went shopping for bake ware, (sing to the tune of "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music...) lots of silicone items from cake moulds, brushes, to whisk, were beckoning me... So colorful and fanciful. Really spoilt the consumers. (sing to the tune of "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music)

Amongst the colorful bakeware, how safe really are these items in the oven? I did a brief research on the internet. In US, there were no substantial evidence on the impact of silicone ware on the food it's holding in the oven. Why then were the consumers so secure and sure on the safety of these tools?

Here is link to another blogger on the safety of such bakeware:

I used the silicone cupcake moulds when i was baking apricot cupcakes some time ago.  It was basically to hold the paper cups and not touched the food.  that was my first experience with silicone bakeware.  I must say, its really convenient and easier to use for baking.  That does not, however, ease my doubt about the safety of such products.  Call me old school, i still prefer the mould made with tins..   Wonder which department or ministry in Singapore which could advise on the safety of such products....?

Not discouraging you from using such bakeware but at the same time, we really need to question on the safety of such products.

No baking this week.

Every Sunday is my baking day.  Usually i will attempt 3 items. Trying out new things or new techniques. Whether the outcome is ideal is secondary, the process is what gives me exposure and understanding of how it helped in arriving at the outcome.

THis weekend had been a bit busy.  I attended Eason's concert last night.  Was back home till very late.  Woke up early (8 am) today so i decided to attempt doing breakfast.  I am not a breakfast person.  Usually goes without it and only have lunch and dinner.

Here are the pics of the breakfast.

Made some blue berries pancake and drizzle with honey lemon.

Attempted with the Bacon Egg cup or muffins... it was circulated on the facebook some time ago.. I go with the original recipe.  however ideas were popping up on how to layer the flavours.... if i am going to attempt it again, i will make variations to it.

Bought some bacon and had it in the fridge in case i want to try something... No, I do not have the hoarding mentality.  Just want to make sure whatever i want to try the basic ingredients are ready.  Now, the essentials like flours (7 types), butters (1.2 kg), cream cheese (750 g), sugar, essences..... are at hand to kick start any experiments.

What to attempt next? suggestions are welcome...

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The re-awakening of baking cells

Since December 2013, i am down with a bug.... baking bug... friends on Facebook had been posting their fruits of labour... well, my brain had been resistant to such visual and text exchanges for a long time.. For 10 years or more, i had hung up the apron, kept my table top oven and all baking accessories. They laid covered under layers of dust, withstanding the test of time, waiting for their days of glory to come again... (it took more than 10 years to come to light.)  I must add that, baking comes easier to me than cooking... though over the years due to lack of access to an oven had made me come closer to the stove.

The bug, I think, started when I chanced upon Bouchon Collection... and some time before that, gained knowledge of who is Thomas Keller.  Bouchon is one of the restaurants ran by TK Restaurant Group.  The most famous of the group is THe French Laundry which is perhaps on the bucket list of most people (who knew the significance of this restaurant), including mine.

The set of 2 books practically got me excited. Flipping and studying it with joy over the next few days... the excitement did not wane off...... it translated into actions. I warmed up by baking my fav Chocolate Chip cookies. (Also need time to get re-acquainted with my handy baking equipments.  Thank GOD! they are still alive and kicking... Still in their prime, it seems.)  Then it went on to... almond cookies, shepherd pie (thanks to my Aussie friend, Edward for sharing with me your family recipe!), lemon drizzle cake, sable, apricot cake, St Clement cake (Jamie Oliver's Recipe)......oh even experimented with making Hae Bee Hiam Cookies (Spicy Prawn chilli cookies, a touch of Singaporean flavour) .... ! Now what's next? ANy suggestions?

Thus far, the journey had been fun, educational and insightful. Thanks to my FB friends! I have been learning alot from them and renewing my knowledge with them

IMHO, i think baking had over time, transformed into a multi disciplinary art and science....

Science as in the interactions between key leavening agents and the ingredients used... Gradually, people are introducing and combining less conventional baking ingredients to their products to come up with something new and creative.  Something to ponder about, do these ingredients really combine well in terms of chemical reactions and its impact on our health?  

Art as in its not just what went into the cookie or cakes to make it delicious... these delicious items are being decorated with fondant, gum paste, icing, buttercream and all.... to make it really an eye candy... sometimes, you do not even want to eat it... admiring it is all you want to do... (doesn't that constitute to a waste of food? So eat them... it is an appreciation to the baker's efforts.)

Multi disciplinary, you can apply chemistry knowledge to it.  Food sciences. Arts, the cake or cookie is basically your canvas.  Do i need to say more? Learn your imagination flow.  Polymer clay, basically color your dough and you can get to create designs and slice them like your clay.. albeit many times bigger and easier on your eyesight.  Maths, yes, you need a good ratio of key ingredients.  Whats more these are real life items, you see the outcome of it.  You need some good engineer to evaluate and tell you which brand or model of oven is a good make.... the list goes on...

I shall stop here .... I will try to share what i have baked in this blog.  Usually i am too excited to take pics when i am done...  Waiting impatiently to devour the item and look for ways to improve it.

Till then.......

wait.... what am i going to bake next....

Love, the re-awakened baker...